Secondhand Buhler Separator MTRC 100/200D

Secondhand Buhler Separator MTRC 100/200D

Used Buhler MTRC Separator 100/200D | Manufactured in 2016

This Buhler MTRC 100/200D separator was manufactured in 2016 and has only been used for one year, keeping it in excellent condition. It can be offered together with the Aspirator MVSL-150.We also provide additional services such as cleaning and refurbishment to restore the machine to a like-new condition. Spare parts are available upon request.If you are interested in purchasing this machine, please feel free to contact us.

This machine, designed to meet high demands, is typi-cally applied in flour mills and elevators (silos) for graincleaning. Other sites and fields of application include:feed mills, seed cleaning plants, oilseed cleaning instal-lations, cocoa bean and cocoa nibs grading systems inchocolate factories, etc.

The sieve box assembly, which is mounted on rubbersprings supported by the machine frame, moves backand forth by two vibrators arranged at either side of themachine. The slope of the sieve box is adjusted to thespecific application of the machine. The stroke and theangle of throw can be adjusted to suit special needs. Thetwo sieve decks end at the front drawers and each aresecurely locked in place in the sieve box by two clamps.The second separating section for the coarse impuritiesis attached to the lateral outlet (top sieve). The machineoutlet is matched to the various outlet aspiration systemsavailable



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