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Improved Product and Mature Technology – Bühler AIRTRONIC Roller Mill
Proven AIRTRONIC Performance:
- Pneumatic servo feeding
- Horizontally arranged grinding rollers
- Self-supporting roller stress group
- Suction air at roller gap assists roller rotation
Pneumatic Servo Feeder:
- A pulse generator automatically adjusts the feed gate at the material inlet.
- The patented servo control system enhances pulse signals while simultaneously engaging and disengaging the grinding rollers and feed rollers.
Self-Stressed Roller Group:
- The roller assembly is mounted on a base frame, supported by shock absorbers, and secured by an eccentric rod driven by a pneumatic cylinder.
- During grinding, the self-stressed roller group absorbs the grinding pressure, ensuring that no force is transmitted to the roller mill’s outer frame.
Automatic Feed Roller Speed Control for MDDK Roller Mills:
- Simple mechanical and pneumatic design
- Infinitely variable speed adjustment with a 1:10 ratio
- Power is directly transmitted from the grinding rollers to the feed roller without requiring an additional drive
- Fully automated operation, even at maximum blending ratio, during unattended operation
Electronic Feed Roller Speed Control for MDDK and MDDL Roller Mills:
- Simple mechanical-pneumatic design
- Infinitely variable speed adjustment with a 1:10 ratio
- Fully automated operation, even at maximum blending ratio, during unattended operation
- Allows discharge of remaining material from the feeding hopper when grinding rollers are disengaged
- Robust three-phase AC motor control
- Non-contact sensors provide isolated signals for roller engagement/disengagement and feed roller speed control
If you are interested, please contact:
Email: admin@bartyangtrades.com
Website: www.bartyangtrades.com
Website: www.bartflourmillmachinery.com
Website: www.used-flour-machinery.com
